Regional TV Advertising

Regional TV

Television advertising wins hands down as the best way to reach potential customers in regional Australia. This video explains it well. Check it out, then call Zotmedia today to find out how we can get you on the air and into the homes of your potential customers. Call us on 02 6926 5302.

What TV channels are your ideal customers (demograhics) watching?

Here is a very interesting graph from AGB Nielsen data (weeks 7-44, 2012) that shows Viewer Profiles by Channel-East Coast Mainland. If you look at the universe on the far left side of the graph it shows you the break up of ages of all people in Australia. If you then view the graphs per […]

People buy products, products don’t sell people!

When you have the clarity of thought that people buy products or services and products or services don’t sell anything, your life as a business person gets easier. Your ability to relate to and win the trust of your potential customer/client  is a crucial first step. All of your marketing, advertising and sales dialogue should be […]

Cricket rights tussle looms

TEN’s incoming CEO Hamish McLennan has been talking up opportunities to seize major sports rights, but Nine’s managing director Jeffery Browne strategically uses media to.

Cricket as a product has not seen escalating ratings and, crucially, many scheduled days have been lost for weather [and] uneven opponents,” Browne said. ”Also, it is largely played outside the ratings period, he said.

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